List of products by brand Berg Company, LLC

Duis semper congue metus in pellentesque. Nulla dictum enim eu enim feugiat, eget vulputate justo aliquam. Fusce sed porta justo. Aliquam nibh turpis, tempus vel sagittis id, volutpat a lacus.

Duis semper congue metus in pellentesque. Nulla dictum enim eu enim feugiat, eget vulputate justo aliquam. Fusce sed porta justo. Aliquam nibh turpis, tempus vel sagittis id, volutpat a lacus. In a nunc ultricies, lacinia est id, bibendum orci. Aenean bibendum nulla eros, vel fermentum nisl sodales ut. Phasellus a erat id mi pulvinar cursus. Vestibulum elit libero, tristique in scelerisque id, tempor a neque. Cras ante mauris, elementum vel ultrices in, facilisis ac ipsum.

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Reference: 400001-1

Brand: Berg Company, LLC

Heat Shrink Seals (XL)

Review(s): 0
Heat Shrink Seals fot Patron, 1800 and other liquor bottles with very wide necks. These oversized heat shrink seals are clear in color and bundled in packs of 125. Slip over the liquor control spout until it touches the glass on the bottle then shrink with a heat gun or hair dryer. These heat shrinks fit perfectly on the Patron and 1800 liquor bottles.
kr.187.50 tax excl.
kr.187.50 tax incl.
In Stock

Reference: 1000231

Brand: Berg Company, LLC

Breather tube with check valve for high pour spout

Review(s): 0
Breather tubes direct air into the liquor bottle from a vent in special control system pourers. Air induction propels the liquor dispensed into each shot. Every breather tube comes with a check valve to prevent liquor from leaking out of the bottle through the pour spout air vent.
kr.20.00 tax excl.
kr.20.00 tax incl.

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